Thursday, February 3, 2011


Crack up!

I was terrified to hear the crack of a whip but it was a man whipping himself! He stood on the road accompanied by a colorfully dress up Ox asking for money!

Not a beggar's cup of tea!

We were travelling in an autoriksha when the traffic signal changed to red. We were stuck and an Eunuch came asking for some cash. I was about to give some money but then the signal turned green and our auto moved ahead. It happened twice as we were stuck in a traffic jam. I felt sad for the Eunuch. So this time I managed to hand over the money. The Eunuch cursed and shouted back "With this money I can't even have tea!"

Automan: Cruise control

The auto drivers have lot of freedom to choose their own destination and traveler. They don't go if the destination is very close and if it is too far they charge double the amount! They straight away deny if they don't want to go. they don't even stop to listen. They have nice nap sessions in the afternoon when they don't take anyone. Late in the the night they hike their amount even to take us to a small distance.

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