Thursday, December 31, 2009

My experiments with teaching

I feel one of the major satisfactions of being a teacher is to enrich a student’s life. This is a noble and profound way to spend a day at work. I believe patience, understanding, compassion and sensitivity are essential personality traits of a teacher. The ability to learn, innovative teaching and an overall pleasant personality are the key elements in the teaching profession.
Being an artist, I love to apply my artistic skills to teach in a creative way.

Few things in life can be as satisfying as nurturing young minds in shaping their inherent creativity to bring out their best in their chosen field and to motivate them to be self sufficient, happy and better individuals. I aspire to make the world a better place and to grow as a teacher because teaching is a constant study - every single day. I also seek to give my students individual attention (depending on their special needs), to give them all equal opportunities and to instill in children the love of learning so that they too can become lifelong learners.

In addition to conducting classes, I'd love to manage, design and edit a school magazine; look after the advertising section of the school (owing to my previous stint with advertising copy). Teach computer graphics to children (befitting from my experience with Maya animation) . Encourage extracurricular activities like storytelling, poetry & prose writing. I'd also love to conduct drama and painting workshops, making things more fun for me as well as my students!

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