Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Teaching my own poem

It was fun teaching what I believe in to my students through my poem. Who can understand a poem better than the poet herself! My poem was about the life of street dogs. I wanted the future citizens to feel for these innocent beings and be kind to them. I want to infuse love for fellow living creatures who share this world with us. I began by saying-Have you looked outside your home at a street dog?Have you wondered how they live each day?There are always friends waiting for you to adopt them. Dog's are best friends. A street dog cannot survive in the street as they depend on us. They die of hunger and thirst or accident everyday. Pedigree dogs are foreign and they usually get owners but no one cares about the street dog which is our own country dog. They are faithful, grateful and easily adaptable too. They will give their life for you. They are the best guards. They only need love and care. They will make your day most beautiful. No one can greet you the way a dog does. A dog's company makes the owner stress free. Some people hate dogs for no reason at all although they could be their best friends. Dogs are innocent and there is no need to hate them. They are also living beings and have pain like us.They have the right to live as we do.Why disrespect them?Learn to love and be less selfish.
then I gave them "Rorschach Inkblot" test. I displayed a white sheet of paper with symmetrical black ink blots. I asked them what do the shapes look like or what form takes shape in their mind while watching the shapes?What comes to their mind when they see it. All of them identified the blots to a dog's face! My objective was fulfilled! I succeeded in making the kids perceptive to dogs!

"Rorschach Inkblot" test. Herman Rorschach (1884 - 1922) was a psychologist who developed this test as a way of determining how a person perceptually and cognitively organizes real-life situations. In other words, it was designed to determine how a person responds or copes with emotions, situations, problems, etc. The test is, as the name implies, literally an ink blot test. The person is shown a set of cards with ink blots, and then asked what images they see in them. This method has been used for decades by psychologists along with other tests and therapy for diagnosing and treating people with mental or emotional problems.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Death never comes announced. You never know when or for whom the bell tolls. No one can ever know one's fate before hand. May be that is why one lives life to the fullest.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Mysore trip pictures

My visit to Mysore was enjoyable. I went back in time as I enjoyed a horse drawn cart ride to the Mysore palace. Inside the palace I felt like I was lost in an age old era. The palace was adorned with myriad of bright colors and exquisite paintings with glimpses of every day royal life. The portraits of royal family members were life like.The beautiful colorful carvings and the architecture were mesmerizing. The king's courtyard looked on to the city's vast landscape. The palacial marriage alter was stately. I was particularly drawn to the life size stone carving of lions. They were pretty awesome.
I satisfied my sweet tooth with authentic Mysore sweets from a well known shop. I had a wonderful time there.