Thursday, March 17, 2011

Meet my best companions!

booked by syluette
fam5_ by syluette

Let me introduce my wonderful friends to you. Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, their cousin Georgeina and her faithful dog Timmy a.k.a. Timothy! The mutinous, wild and fierce Tomboy, George and the ever-helpful Timmy are my favorite! Julian is the eldest and Anne is the youngest.They could do things, I secretly wish for but I can never imagine myself doing it. They share their adventures with me. Though I am just a silent observer,I am very much part of their adventures. Anne would envy me! There is much of Anne and a bit of George (shh secretly)in me too! Anne is unadventurous, timid, peace loving and the most sensible of the lot!Dick is fun loving, Julian is the wise one but ends up putting the others in danger! He acts like a grown up but makes all the inquisitive decisions and game plans leading the others to an adventure which could have been easily avoidable! George on the other hand is impulsive and doesn't think at all! She is adventurous and a hell of a troublemaker! and that's what I like about her. Whenever they are in danger, I do feel the tension in my nerves. Those anxious moments and suspense sets my pulse racing. The thrill of beating the odds and triumph in the end makes life more exciting. When they are solving the mysteries of life I am deeply involved in their world of troubles without actually being with them. I just have to peek into the window of their lives- The Famous Five book!. Here are some pictures of them I drew in my mind's eye!


Gaurav Verma said...

Nice portrayal through poetic pictures...Visit my blog too:

syluette said...

thanks i do visit your blog time to time.